Looking for New Ways to Grow Your Business?
Join Us for “Missing the Millions” Conversation
Featured during the 46th Annual Rainbow PUSH Convention
Register for Capital Pathways | Chicago
Chicago Hilton and Towers
720 S Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
2:00 PM
Make connections that grow your business. Get valuable information you need to create your own business, run your organization, grow your company, or thrive in your professional career.
This workshop will feature a professional panel, engaging business workshop sessions, and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs and business professionals at all career levels.
A part of the Capital Pathways Business Development Workshop Series.
Our Capital Pathways Business Development Program was founded to provide access to business tools, networks, and resources to businesses owned by women & minorities.
Learn more about the 46th Annual Rainbow PUSH Convention here:
July 12, 2017
Credit Assessment Panel: It’s Best to Know
Learn how to leverage credit to build wealth
Facilitators: NFCC
Founded in 1951, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling® (NFCC®) is the nation’s first and largest nonprofit dedicated to improving people’s financial well-being. With nearly 600 member offices serving 50 states and Puerto Rico, our NFCC® Certified Credit Counselors are financial advocates, empowering millions of consumers to take charge of their finances through one-on-one financial reviews that address credit card debt, housing decisions and overall money management. Our counselors can help small business owners balance their personal and business finances to help them build their future. Take that first step today. Connect with a certified credit counselor today at nfcc.org
Access to Capital: Traditional and Non-traditional
Learn how to access traditional and non-traditional funding to expand your business.
Facilitators: Minority Business Development Agency, SCORE, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.